If you need help or if you have any question about netZoo, please check discussions.
If you would like to report a bug in the netZoo, please open an issue in the issues tab of the corresponding netZoo{R,Py,M,C} github.
Check the tutorials in the github repo for a basic application of the network tools.
netZooPy: Jupyter Notebook Tutorials.
netZooM: LiveScript Tutorials.
netZooR: R markdown Tutorials.
The Network Zoo ecosystem tools are abbreviated as follows:
The Network Zoo: netZoo
Python Network Zoo: netZooPy
Jupyter Notebook server: Netbooks
Gene Regulatory Network Database: GRAND
CLUE gene regulation (webserver for drug repurposing): CLUEreg
Cloud Network Zoo: netZooCloud
Continuous integration system: ZooKeeper
GPU Network Zoo: gpuZoo
Drop us an email if you have any question.