Description: OTTER infers gene regulatory networks using TF DNA binding motif (W), TF PPI (P), and gene coexpression (C) through minimzing the following objective: min f(W) with f(W) = (1-lambda)*||WW' - P||^2 + lambda*||W'W - C||^2 + (gamma/2)*||W||^2
- W
: TF-gene regulatory network based on TF motifs as a matrix of size (t,g), g=number of genes, t=number of TFs
- P
: TF-TF protein interaction network as a matrix of size (t,t)
- C
: gene coexpression as a matrix of size (g,g)
- lambda
: tuning parameter in [0,1] (higher gives more weight to C)
- gamma
: regularization parameter
- Iter
: number of iterations of the algorithm
- eta
: learning rate
- bexp
: exponent influencing learning rate (higher means smaller)