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MONSTER (MOdeling Network State Transitions from Expression and Regulatory data) is a tool for identifying the transcription factor drivers of state change.

Specific cellular states are often associated with distinct gene expression patterns. These states are plastic, changing during development, or in the transition from health to disease. One relatively simple extension of this concept is to recognize that we can classify different cell-types by their active gene regulatory networks and that, consequently, transitions between cellular states can be modeled by changes in these underlying regulatory networks. This package is an implementation of MONSTER, MOdeling Network State Transitions from Expression and Regulatory data, a regression-based method for inferring transcription factor drivers of cell state conditions at the gene regulatory network level.

MONSTER takes in sequence motif data linking transcription factors (TFs) to genes and gene expression from two conditions. The goal is generate bipartite networks from the gene expression data which quantify evidence of the regulatory roles of each of the TFs to each of the genes. Next, critical TFs are identified by computing a transition matrix, which maps the gene regulatory network in the first state to the gene regulatory network in the second state.

Installing netZooR

Install and load netZooR package

# install.packages("devtools") 
# install netZooR pkg with vignettes, otherwise remove the "build_vignettes = TRUE" argument.
devtools::install_github("netZoo/netZooR", build_vignettes = TRUE)

Input files

In this demo, we use the included Yeast dataset, containing three separate Yeast datasets, and a sequence motif object. The yeast dataset includes three separate experimental designs each involving microarray assays of 2555 genes of yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae). yeast$exp.ko is a set of 106 gene expression samples of following a number of gene knockouts. yeast$ is a set of 50 gene expression samples taken sets of two across 25 timepoints spanning the cellular cycle. yeast$ is a set of 173 gene expression samples collected under conditions of stress such as heat shock. Each expression dataset has been normalized and scaled.

In this tutorial, we will run monster to identify suspected TF drivers of the change from the early cell cycle to late cell cycle.

First, we load the data included in the netZooR package


Next, we create our design vector indicating to which group each sample belongs. This vector must contain only 0’s and 1’s (NAs allowed).

In this example we are running the analysis on the first 10 timepoints compared to the last 10 timepoints, ignoring the middle 5 for the purposes of simplicity in this tutorial. Each timepoint contains two samples.

design <- c(rep(0,20),rep(NA,10),rep(1,20))

The main method in MONSTER is the monster function. This function has three required arguments,

  • A gene expression matrix, yeast$
  • A motif mapping data.frame, yeast$motif
  • A design integer vector, design

The gene expression argument may be a matrix, a data.frame or an ExpressionSet. In this example, yeast$ is a data.frame consisting of 2555 rows and 50 columns.

The first five rows and columns can be seen

#>                V2        V3       V4        V5       V6
#> YAL062W -0.410747  0.028904 0.064679  0.123281 0.116928
#> YAL060W -0.042407 -0.012481 0.194862  0.201449 0.198666
#> YAL058W -0.039936  0.032378 0.006376 -0.031905 0.036658
#> YAL012W -0.189982  0.097298 0.159296  0.057393 0.059446
#> YBR157C  0.219335  0.017866 0.049283 -0.125761 0.003575

The motif mapping data.frame tells the MONSTER algorithm which genes contain likely transcription factor binding sites in the vicinity of their promoter. This serves as the regulatory prior and informs the initial network inference method by supplying a partial list of TF targeting.

This data.frame contains 3 columns, where each row is a specific edge in the prior network.

  • Column 1 specifies the transcription factor for the edge.
  • Column 2 specifies the targeted gene for the edge
  • Column 3 defines the strength of the edge. By default, in unweighted graphs, this column may be populated entirely with 1’s.

The set of unique TFs in column 1 and unique genes in column 2 serve to determine the set of TFs and genes that are used in the downstream analysis.

The first five rows and columns of the example motif data.frame can be seen

#>        TF    GENE V3
#> 1 YLR131C YAL062W  1
#> 2 YLR131C YBR157C  1
#> 3 YLR131C YDR277C  1
#> 4 YLR131C YEL011W  1
#> 5 YLR131C YFR040W  1

MONSTER tests the statistical significance of its results by permuting the samples n times and rerunning the analysis for each permutation. By default, the number of permutations is set to be 100 and can be manually set via the argument nullPerms.

Monster is optimized to run on multiple cores, if available. We can specify the maximum number of cores which are available to run the algorithm. If numMaxCores unspecified, MONSTER will check available resources and run on all but four of the available cores.


yeast$[$] <- mean(as.matrix(yeast$,na.rm=TRUE)
monsterRes <- monster(yeast$, design, yeast$motif, nullPerms=100, numMaxCores=1, alphaw=1)
#> [1] "101 network transitions to be estimated"
#> [1] "Running iteration 1"
#> [1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 1.597404e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 1.811981e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Using OLS method"
#> [1] "Finished running iteration 1"
#> [1] "Running iteration 2"
#> [1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 2.789497e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 1.907349e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Using OLS method"
#> [1] "Finished running iteration 2"
#> [1] "Running iteration 3"
#> [1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 1.502037e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 2.598763e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Using OLS method"
#> [1] "Finished running iteration 3"
#> [1] "Running iteration 4"
#> [1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 1.597404e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 1.811981e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Using OLS method"
#> [1] "Finished running iteration 4"
#> [1] "Running iteration 5"
#> [1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 1.597404e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 1.788139e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Using OLS method"
#> [1] "Finished running iteration 5"
#> [1] "Running iteration 6"
#> [1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 1.597404e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 1.883507e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Using OLS method"
#> [1] "Finished running iteration 6"
#> [1] "Running iteration 7"
#> [1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 1.811981e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 1.907349e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Using OLS method"
#> [1] "Finished running iteration 7"
#> [1] "Running iteration 8"
#> [1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 2.193451e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 1.811981e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Using OLS method"
#> [1] "Finished running iteration 8"
#> [1] "Running iteration 9"
#> [1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 1.692772e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 2.002716e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Using OLS method"
#> [1] "Finished running iteration 9"
#> [1] "Running iteration 10"
#> [1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 1.692772e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 1.883507e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Using OLS method"
#> [1] "Finished running iteration 10"
#> [1] "Running iteration 11"
#> [1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 1.597404e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 2.002716e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Using OLS method"
#> [1] "Finished running iteration 11"
#> [1] "Running iteration 12"
#> [1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 1.597404e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 1.788139e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Using OLS method"
#> [1] "Finished running iteration 12"
#> [1] "Running iteration 13"
#> [1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 1.597404e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 2.098083e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Using OLS method"
#> [1] "Finished running iteration 13"
#> [1] "Running iteration 14"
#> [1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 1.597404e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 2.098083e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Using OLS method"
#> [1] "Finished running iteration 14"
#> [1] "Running iteration 15"
#> [1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 1.597404e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 1.788139e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Using OLS method"
#> [1] "Finished running iteration 15"
#> [1] "Running iteration 16"
#> [1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 1.621246e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 3.695488e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Using OLS method"
#> [1] "Finished running iteration 16"
#> [1] "Running iteration 17"
#> [1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 1.788139e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 1.811981e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Using OLS method"
#> [1] "Finished running iteration 17"
#> [1] "Running iteration 18"
#> [1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 1.597404e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 2.002716e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Using OLS method"
#> [1] "Finished running iteration 18"
#> [1] "Running iteration 19"
#> [1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 1.716614e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 1.907349e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Using OLS method"
#> [1] "Finished running iteration 19"
#> [1] "Running iteration 20"
#> [1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 1.502037e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 2.908707e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Using OLS method"
#> [1] "Finished running iteration 20"
#> [1] "Running iteration 21"
#> [1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 2.193451e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 1.978874e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Using OLS method"
#> [1] "Finished running iteration 21"
#> [1] "Running iteration 22"
#> [1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 1.716614e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 1.907349e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Using OLS method"
#> [1] "Finished running iteration 22"
#> [1] "Running iteration 23"
#> [1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 1.788139e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 2.002716e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Using OLS method"
#> [1] "Finished running iteration 23"
#> [1] "Running iteration 24"
#> [1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 1.716614e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 1.883507e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Using OLS method"
#> [1] "Finished running iteration 24"
#> [1] "Running iteration 25"
#> [1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 1.597404e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 2.098083e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Using OLS method"
#> [1] "Finished running iteration 25"
#> [1] "Running iteration 26"
#> [1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 1.716614e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 2.002716e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Using OLS method"
#> [1] "Finished running iteration 26"
#> [1] "Running iteration 27"
#> [1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 1.811981e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 2.002716e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Using OLS method"
#> [1] "Finished running iteration 27"
#> [1] "Running iteration 28"
#> [1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 1.692772e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 2.193451e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Using OLS method"
#> [1] "Finished running iteration 28"
#> [1] "Running iteration 29"
#> [1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 1.597404e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 2.884865e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Using OLS method"
#> [1] "Finished running iteration 29"
#> [1] "Running iteration 30"
#> [1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 1.597404e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 2.002716e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Using OLS method"
#> [1] "Finished running iteration 30"
#> [1] "Running iteration 31"
#> [1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 1.692772e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 3.099442e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Using OLS method"
#> [1] "Finished running iteration 31"
#> [1] "Running iteration 32"
#> [1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 1.597404e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 2.217293e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Using OLS method"
#> [1] "Finished running iteration 32"
#> [1] "Running iteration 33"
#> [1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 2.002716e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 2.002716e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Using OLS method"
#> [1] "Finished running iteration 33"
#> [1] "Running iteration 34"
#> [1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 1.597404e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 1.883507e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Using OLS method"
#> [1] "Finished running iteration 34"
#> [1] "Running iteration 35"
#> [1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 1.692772e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 2.002716e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Using OLS method"
#> [1] "Finished running iteration 35"
#> [1] "Running iteration 36"
#> [1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 3.004074e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 1.883507e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Using OLS method"
#> [1] "Finished running iteration 36"
#> [1] "Running iteration 37"
#> [1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 1.692772e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 3.194809e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Using OLS method"
#> [1] "Finished running iteration 37"
#> [1] "Running iteration 38"
#> [1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 2.503395e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .......................
#> Warning: fitted probabilities numerically 0 or 1 occurred
#> ..............................[1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 2.408028e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Using OLS method"
#> [1] "Finished running iteration 38"
#> [1] "Running iteration 39"
#> [1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 1.597404e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .......................
#> Warning: fitted probabilities numerically 0 or 1 occurred
#> ..............................[1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 2.098083e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Using OLS method"
#> [1] "Finished running iteration 39"
#> [1] "Running iteration 40"
#> [1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 1.788139e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 1.907349e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Using OLS method"
#> [1] "Finished running iteration 40"
#> [1] "Running iteration 41"
#> [1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 1.692772e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 3.409386e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Using OLS method"
#> [1] "Finished running iteration 41"
#> [1] "Running iteration 42"
#> [1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 1.788139e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .......................
#> Warning: fitted probabilities numerically 0 or 1 occurred
#> ..............................[1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 2.717972e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Using OLS method"
#> [1] "Finished running iteration 42"
#> [1] "Running iteration 43"
#> [1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 1.788139e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 2.288818e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .......................
#> Warning: fitted probabilities numerically 0 or 1 occurred
#> ..............................[1] "Using OLS method"
#> [1] "Finished running iteration 43"
#> [1] "Running iteration 44"
#> [1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 1.907349e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 3.194809e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Using OLS method"
#> [1] "Finished running iteration 44"
#> [1] "Running iteration 45"
#> [1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 2.098083e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 2.193451e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Using OLS method"
#> [1] "Finished running iteration 45"
#> [1] "Running iteration 46"
#> [1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 3.504753e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 2.217293e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .......................
#> Warning: fitted probabilities numerically 0 or 1 occurred
#> ..............................[1] "Using OLS method"
#> [1] "Finished running iteration 46"
#> [1] "Running iteration 47"
#> [1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 2.002716e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 2.31266e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .......................
#> Warning: fitted probabilities numerically 0 or 1 occurred
#> ..............................[1] "Using OLS method"
#> [1] "Finished running iteration 47"
#> [1] "Running iteration 48"
#> [1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 1.692772e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 2.31266e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Using OLS method"
#> [1] "Finished running iteration 48"
#> [1] "Running iteration 49"
#> [1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 1.692772e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 2.002716e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Using OLS method"
#> [1] "Finished running iteration 49"
#> [1] "Running iteration 50"
#> [1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 2.098083e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 2.31266e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Using OLS method"
#> [1] "Finished running iteration 50"
#> [1] "Running iteration 51"
#> [1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 1.907349e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .......................
#> Warning: fitted probabilities numerically 0 or 1 occurred
#> ..............................[1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 3.790855e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Using OLS method"
#> [1] "Finished running iteration 51"
#> [1] "Running iteration 52"
#> [1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 3.600121e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 2.098083e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Using OLS method"
#> [1] "Finished running iteration 52"
#> [1] "Running iteration 53"
#> [1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 1.811981e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 2.503395e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Using OLS method"
#> [1] "Finished running iteration 53"
#> [1] "Running iteration 54"
#> [1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 3.314018e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 2.503395e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .......................
#> Warning: fitted probabilities numerically 0 or 1 occurred
#> ..............................[1] "Using OLS method"
#> [1] "Finished running iteration 54"
#> [1] "Running iteration 55"
#> [1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 1.811981e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 2.503395e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Using OLS method"
#> [1] "Finished running iteration 55"
#> [1] "Running iteration 56"
#> [1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 1.883507e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 2.193451e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .......................
#> Warning: fitted probabilities numerically 0 or 1 occurred
#> ..............................[1] "Using OLS method"
#> [1] "Finished running iteration 56"
#> [1] "Running iteration 57"
#> [1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 1.811981e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 2.002716e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Using OLS method"
#> [1] "Finished running iteration 57"
#> [1] "Running iteration 58"
#> [1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 1.907349e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 2.31266e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Using OLS method"
#> [1] "Finished running iteration 58"
#> [1] "Running iteration 59"
#> [1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 5.197525e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 3.480911e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Using OLS method"
#> [1] "Finished running iteration 59"
#> [1] "Running iteration 60"
#> [1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 1.811981e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 2.288818e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Using OLS method"
#> [1] "Finished running iteration 60"
#> [1] "Running iteration 61"
#> [1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 1.788139e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 2.098083e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Using OLS method"
#> [1] "Finished running iteration 61"
#> [1] "Running iteration 62"
#> [1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 2.002716e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 2.098083e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Using OLS method"
#> [1] "Finished running iteration 62"
#> [1] "Running iteration 63"
#> [1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 2.908707e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 2.31266e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .......................
#> Warning: fitted probabilities numerically 0 or 1 occurred
#> ..............................[1] "Using OLS method"
#> [1] "Finished running iteration 63"
#> [1] "Running iteration 64"
#> [1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 1.811981e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 2.098083e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .......................
#> Warning: fitted probabilities numerically 0 or 1 occurred
#> ..............................[1] "Using OLS method"
#> [1] "Finished running iteration 64"
#> [1] "Running iteration 65"
#> [1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 1.788139e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 2.31266e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Using OLS method"
#> [1] "Finished running iteration 65"
#> [1] "Running iteration 66"
#> [1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 1.811981e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 2.503395e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Using OLS method"
#> [1] "Finished running iteration 66"
#> [1] "Running iteration 67"
#> [1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 1.811981e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 3.504753e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Using OLS method"
#> [1] "Finished running iteration 67"
#> [1] "Running iteration 68"
#> [1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 1.907349e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 2.503395e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Using OLS method"
#> [1] "Finished running iteration 68"
#> [1] "Running iteration 69"
#> [1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 1.811981e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 2.193451e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Using OLS method"
#> [1] "Finished running iteration 69"
#> [1] "Running iteration 70"
#> [1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 1.811981e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 2.408028e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Using OLS method"
#> [1] "Finished running iteration 70"
#> [1] "Running iteration 71"
#> [1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 2.503395e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 2.288818e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Using OLS method"
#> [1] "Finished running iteration 71"
#> [1] "Running iteration 72"
#> [1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 2.908707e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 2.288818e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Using OLS method"
#> [1] "Finished running iteration 72"
#> [1] "Running iteration 73"
#> [1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 2.098083e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 2.288818e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Using OLS method"
#> [1] "Finished running iteration 73"
#> [1] "Running iteration 74"
#> [1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 3.385544e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 2.384186e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Using OLS method"
#> [1] "Finished running iteration 74"
#> [1] "Running iteration 75"
#> [1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 1.907349e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 2.598763e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Using OLS method"
#> [1] "Finished running iteration 75"
#> [1] "Running iteration 76"
#> [1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 1.883507e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 2.813339e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Using OLS method"
#> [1] "Finished running iteration 76"
#> [1] "Running iteration 77"
#> [1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 1.907349e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 2.408028e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Using OLS method"
#> [1] "Finished running iteration 77"
#> [1] "Running iteration 78"
#> [1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 1.907349e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 2.31266e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Using OLS method"
#> [1] "Finished running iteration 78"
#> [1] "Running iteration 79"
#> [1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 2.002716e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 2.408028e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Using OLS method"
#> [1] "Finished running iteration 79"
#> [1] "Running iteration 80"
#> [1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 1.883507e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 2.598763e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Using OLS method"
#> [1] "Finished running iteration 80"
#> [1] "Running iteration 81"
#> [1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 4.601479e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 2.288818e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Using OLS method"
#> [1] "Finished running iteration 81"
#> [1] "Running iteration 82"
#> [1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 2.002716e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 2.217293e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Using OLS method"
#> [1] "Finished running iteration 82"
#> [1] "Running iteration 83"
#> [1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 2.193451e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 2.598763e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Using OLS method"
#> [1] "Finished running iteration 83"
#> [1] "Running iteration 84"
#> [1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 2.098083e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 2.31266e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Using OLS method"
#> [1] "Finished running iteration 84"
#> [1] "Running iteration 85"
#> [1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 1.907349e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 2.69413e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Using OLS method"
#> [1] "Finished running iteration 85"
#> [1] "Running iteration 86"
#> [1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 1.907349e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 2.503395e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Using OLS method"
#> [1] "Finished running iteration 86"
#> [1] "Running iteration 87"
#> [1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 2.789497e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 2.503395e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Using OLS method"
#> [1] "Finished running iteration 87"
#> [1] "Running iteration 88"
#> [1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 1.907349e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 2.288818e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Using OLS method"
#> [1] "Finished running iteration 88"
#> [1] "Running iteration 89"
#> [1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 2.002716e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 2.408028e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Using OLS method"
#> [1] "Finished running iteration 89"
#> [1] "Running iteration 90"
#> [1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 2.098083e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 2.813339e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Using OLS method"
#> [1] "Finished running iteration 90"
#> [1] "Running iteration 91"
#> [1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 2.193451e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 3.480911e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Using OLS method"
#> [1] "Finished running iteration 91"
#> [1] "Running iteration 92"
#> [1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 1.978874e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 3.194809e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .......................
#> Warning: fitted probabilities numerically 0 or 1 occurred
#> ..............................[1] "Using OLS method"
#> [1] "Finished running iteration 92"
#> [1] "Running iteration 93"
#> [1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 2.503395e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 2.69413e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Using OLS method"
#> [1] "Finished running iteration 93"
#> [1] "Running iteration 94"
#> [1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 2.31266e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 2.598763e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Using OLS method"
#> [1] "Finished running iteration 94"
#> [1] "Running iteration 95"
#> [1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 2.098083e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 2.69413e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Using OLS method"
#> [1] "Finished running iteration 95"
#> [1] "Running iteration 96"
#> [1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 2.288818e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 2.598763e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Using OLS method"
#> [1] "Finished running iteration 96"
#> [1] "Running iteration 97"
#> [1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 2.098083e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 3.600121e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Using OLS method"
#> [1] "Finished running iteration 97"
#> [1] "Running iteration 98"
#> [1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 2.098083e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 2.384186e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Using OLS method"
#> [1] "Finished running iteration 98"
#> [1] "Running iteration 99"
#> [1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 1.907349e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 2.908707e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Using OLS method"
#> [1] "Finished running iteration 99"
#> [1] "Running iteration 100"
#> [1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 2.002716e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 3.004074e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Using OLS method"
#> [1] "Finished running iteration 100"
#> [1] "Running iteration 101"
#> [1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 2.098083e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Initializing and validating"
#> [1] "Verified adequate samples, calculating correlation matrix"
#> Time difference of 2.503395e-05 secs
#> [1] "More data cleaning"
#> [1] "Main calculation"
#> .....................................................[1] "Using OLS method"
#> [1] "Finished running iteration 101"
#> Time difference of 2.104133 mins

We can print the details of the analysis result

#> MONSTER object
#> 2555 genes
#> 20 baseline samples
#> 20 final samples
#> Transition driven by 53 transcription factors
#> Run with 100 randomized permutations.

In addition to the three required arguments, we have specified that we will compute 100 randomized runs of the analysis to estimate our result’s statistical signficance. MONSTER makes use of parallelization, and we have specified that 4 cores will be used in this analysis to reduce computation time.

Our result comes in the form of a monster object, monsterRes, which contains the estimated transition matrix as well as the transition matrices from the 100 null transitions.

Visualizing MONSTER results

Many different plotting options are available in the MONSTER package which make use of additional libraries such as ggplot and igraph. Typically, we are interested in features of the transition matrix, particularly with respect to the distribution of those features under the null.

The main plot function is the dTFI plot, utilizing the ggplot library. Of interest is the degree to which the observed transition matrix differs from those obtained via random premutations of the samples. We quantify this difference via differential TF Involvement, \(dTFI\), defined as the sum of squared off-diagonal elements in each column of the transition matrix, \[\hat{dTFI_{j}}=\frac{\sum_{i=1}^{m}I\left(i\ne j\right)\hat{\tau}_{i,j}^{2}}{\sum_{i=1}^{m}\hat{\tau}_{i,j}^{2}}\]

We can view the \(dTFI\) with the generic plot function

#> Warning: Vectorized input to `element_text()` is not officially supported.
#>  Results may be unexpected or may change in future versions of ggplot2.

In this plot, we have the \(dTFI\) for each transcription factor along the x-axis. The observed values are shown in red and the null values are shown in blue.

Due to the complex nature of the structure of gene regulatory networks, it is not uncommon to see transcription factors which exhibit a high degree of transitional change, but which is not statistically significant due to the high variability of that particular TF (e.g. YDR463W). Conversely, some TFs show weak changes, but those changes are large compared to the changes observed in null transitions (e.g. YKL062W). Ideally, we are most interested in TFs which demonstrate large changes in targetting pattern which is found to be strongly significant (e.g. YJL056C).

Adding the argument rescale='significance', sorts the x-axis so that the most significant transcription factors are on the left.

monsterPlotMonsterAnalysis(monsterRes, rescale='significance')
#> Warning: Vectorized input to `element_text()` is not officially supported.
#>  Results may be unexpected or may change in future versions of ggplot2.

Our top hit here is YDL056W, which reassuringly is established in the literature as being involved in regulation of cell cycle progression from G1 to S phase [Koch C, et al. (1993)]

The dTFI plot focuses primarily on individual transcription factors which have systematically changed their targetting patterns between groups. To dive further into the mechanisms, we may be specifically interested in which TFs are acquiring the targetting signatures of which other TFs. We can visualize the transition matrix in a number of ways using MONSTER.

First, using the package gplots, we can simply plot the transition matrix. The heatmap.2 function will show the \(m\times m\) transition matrix in the form of a square heatmap with \(m\) being the number of transcription factors. Intuitively, this is the operator, \(\textbf{T}\), on which we transform gene regulatory network \(\textbf{A}\) (The first 10 timepoints in the Yeast Cell Cycle) to network \(\textbf{B}\) (The last 10 timepoints in the Yeast Cell Cycle) via the equation \[\textbf{B}=\textbf{AT} + \textbf{E}\] where \(\textbf{E}\) is the \(p\times m\) error matrix which we are minimizing.

heatmap.2(slot(monsterRes, 'tm'), col = "bluered","none",  

In examining this heatmap, we are interested in strong deviations from the identity matrix. The diagonal is removed for visualization purposes. We can see that the cell cycle change is strong driven by a handful of transcription factors. Specifically, YBL005W, YLR228C, YLR451W and YML0051W.

This transition may also be depicted as a graph, displaying the gain or loss of features between transcription factors. Recall, that a large deviation from zero off of the diagonal indicates that the targetting pattern of one transcription factor is being “transferred” to another transcription factor as we move from the initial state to the final state.

MONSTER contains the function transitionNetworkPlot to makes use of the igraph package to display the transition in network states. Since this graph is complete with negative edgeweights allowed, the argument numEdges=20 (default is 100 edges) is used to specify the number of top transitions to display.

monsterTransitionNetworkPlot(monsterRes, numEdges=20)

A network visualization of the strongest 20 transitions identified based on the transition matrix above. Arrows indicate a change in edges from a transcription factor in the network of the first 10 timepoints in the Yeast Cell Cycle to resemble those of a transcription factor in the last 10 timepoints in the Yeast Cell Cycle. Edges are sized according to the magnitude of the transition and nodes (TFs) are sized by the dTFI for that TF. The gain of targeting features is indicated by the color blue while the loss of features is indicated by red.

Furthermore, we are often interested in correlated targetting pattern sharing. To find clusters of transcription factor transitions, we can plot the set of TFs onto the first two principal components taken from the transition matrix.

    tm.pca <- princomp(slot(monsterRes, 'tm'))
    odsm <- apply(slot(monsterRes, 'tm'),2,function(x){t(x)%*%x})
    odsm.scaled <- (odsm-mean(odsm))/sd(odsm)+4
    scores.pca <-$scores)
    scores.pca <- cbind(scores.pca,'node.names'=rownames(scores.pca))
    ggplot(data = scores.pca, aes(x = Comp.1, y = Comp.2, label = node.names)) +
        geom_hline(yintercept = 0, colour = "gray65") +
        geom_vline(xintercept = 0, colour = "gray65") +
        geom_text(size = odsm.scaled) +
        ggtitle("PCA of transitions of Cell Cycle Transcription Factors in Yeast")

The above plot can also be achieved using the included MONSTER function, monster.transitionPCAPlot(monsterRes).