Converts an edge list into a list
which is then an input for
other functions in the condor
- edgelist
a data.frame with 'red' nodes in the first column and 'blue' nodes in the second column, representing links from the node in the first column to the node in the second column. There must be more unique 'red' nodes than 'blue' nodes. Optionally, a third column may be provided to create a weighted network.
- return.gcc
if TRUE, returns the giant connected component
G is an igraph graph object with a 'color' attribute based on the colnames of edgelist. This can be accessed via V(g)$color, which returns a vector indicating red/blue. Use V(g)$name with V(g)$color to identify red/blue node names
edges corresponding to graph G. If return.gcc=TRUE, includes only those edges in the giant connected component.
Qcoms output from condorCluster
modularity NULL
output from condorCluster
red.memb NULL
output from condorCluster
blue.memb NULL
output from condorCluster
qscores NULL
output from condorQscore
r = c(1,1,1,2,2,2,3,3,3,4,4);
b = c(1,2,3,1,2,4,2,3,4,3,4);
reds <- c("Alice","Sue","Janine","Mary")
blues <- c("Bob","John","Ed","Hank")
elist <- data.frame(red=reds[r],blue=blues[b])
condor.object <- createCondorObject(elist)