Plot the networks, using different colors for transcription factors, genes of interest, and additional genes.
Plot the networks, using different colors for transcription factors, genes of interest, and additional genes.
tfColor = "blue",
nodeSize = 1,
edgeWidth = 0.5,
vertexLabels = NA,
vertexLabelSize = 0.7,
vertexLabelOffset = 0.5,
layoutBipartite = TRUE,
geneColorMapping = NULL
- network
A data frame with the following format: tf,gene
- genesOfInterest
Which genes of interest to highlight
- tfColor
Color for the transcription factors
- nodeSize
Size of node
- edgeWidth
Width of edges
- vertexLabels
Which vertex labels to include. By default, none are included.
- vertexLabelSize
The size of label to use for the vertex, as a fraction of the default.
- vertexLabelOffset
Number of pixels in the offset when plotting labels. Default is TRUE.
- layoutBipartite
Whether or not to layout as a bipartite graph.
- geneColorMapping
Color mapping from a set of genes to a color. The nodes and edges connected to them will be this color. If NULL, all genes and their edges will be gray. The format is a data frame, where the first column ("gene") is the name of the gene and the second ("color") is the color.